Saturday, January 31, 2009

No rest for the weary

A recent study by British researchers found yet another significant difference between your typical woman (British, at least) and your typical man. Women have more nightmares than men, and men dream about sex more often than women. And even when women do dream about sex, they are less likely to dream of actual intercourse and more likely to dream about kissing and less favorable sexual encounters than men. Great.

Add this to the fact that women, regardless of nationality, cry more often than men, and you've got yet more evidence that being female is potentially way less fun than being male. American women, in particular, cry more than their brothers, a whopping 47.8 times per year compared to 6.5 times for men. And don't forget that women get more headaches, and more migraines and severe headaches than their male counterparts. I suppose this would explain why I often wake up crying and with a headache. Maybe it's my body's way of getting it all over in one shot.

And as if we didn't have it bad enough, we end up living longer on average. Maybe this is to make sure that we truly appreciate the pain of our lot. ::sigh:: That said, men tend to be killed in war more often than women (as I reported in an earlier post), but women tend to be the victims of war more often than men (e.g. rape, torture, disfigurement). So I suppose that makes it fair.

I'm sure there's some advantage to being female, but a cursory exploration of the scientific data doesn't suggest to me what it may be. More nightmares, more tears, more headaches and rapes...hmm. Sometimes I really wish I were a boy.

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