Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stupid stupidheads & their army that shoot people in the head

I am so thoroughly annoyed right now.

In case you haven't heard (and I'm guessing you haven't), last Friday, Tristan Anderson was shot in the head by the IDF (the Israeli Defense Forces, aka the Insane Dumbass F*ckers) with a tear gas canister while attending an anti-separation wall protest with other unarmed civilians. He's now lying in a comma, with his right eye severely damage, his skull shattered open, and probable brain damage to boot.

The IDF's rationalization: "They threw rocks at us." Ok, Goliath, but note that the vicious, deadly rocking throwing incident occurred at the wall in the morning whereas the justifiable, necessary targeted shooting of a peace observer occurred in the village hours later.

Tristan was/is a member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), the same movement who gave us Rachel Corrie, the young woman who was run over by an IDF bulldozer. She had the gall to stand between the IDF and the continual illegal demolition of a Palestinian home, demolations that even the UN has condemned for years.

Given Israel's track record of condoning even the most despicable of IDF actions (from supporting the slaughter of Palestinians in Lebanon to the beating of school children in the occupied territories), I doubt we'll ever know why Tristan was shot in the face with tear gas, though suspicion of US complicity has been voiced.

I'm not really surprised that the IDF and Israel shot Tristan. Not to be smug, but he's not Israeli, so why give a shit? And not to point out the obvious, but if this is how they treat peaceful protesters from their #1 fans in the international community, one wonders how they would the average Palestinian standing between them and the fulfillment of their destiny.

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